Arrow KeysMove one cell up, down, left or right
BackspaceDelete the character to the left of the insertion point or delete the selection
DeleteDelete the character to the right of the insertion point or delete the selection
End, Arrow KeyMove by one block of data within a row or column
End, HomeMove to the last cell on the worksheet
EscCancel a cell entry
HomeMove to the beginning of the row
Page DownMove down one screen
Page UpMove up one screen
TabMove between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet

F1Display the Office Assistant
F2Edit the active cell
F3Paste a defined name into a formula
F4Repeat the last operation, e.g. copy, insert, etc.; toggle through absolute reference formats
F5Display the Go To dialog box
F6Move to the next pane in a workbook that has been split
F7Spell Check
F8Turn on extending a selection by using the arrow keys
F9Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks
F11Create a chart that uses the current range

Alt + EnterStart a new line in the same cell
Alt + Page DownMove one screen to the right
Alt + Page UpMove one screen to the left
Alt + F8Display the Macro dialog box
Alt + F11Display the Visual Basic Editor

Alt + ' (apostrophe)Display the Style dialog box
Alt + ↓ (down arrow)Display the AutoComplete list
Alt + = (equals sign)Insert the AutoSum formula

Ctrl + ASelect the entire worksheet
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + CCopy the highlighted data
Ctrl + IApply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + VPaste copied or cut data from the clipboard
Ctrl + UApply or remove an underline
Ctrl + WClose the worksheet
Ctrl + XCut the selection and copy it onto the clipboard
Ctrl + YCut the highlighted data
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action

Ctrl + 0Hide the selected column(s)
Ctrl + 1Display the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + 5Apply or remove Strikethrough formatting
Ctrl + 7Hide or unhide the Toolbar
Ctrl + 9Hide the selected row(s)
Ctrl + F3Define a Name

Ctrl + DeleteDelete text to the end of the line
Ctrl + EndGo to the lower-right corner of the worksheet
Ctrl + HomeGo to the upper-left corner of the worksheet
Ctrl + Page DownMove to the next sheet in the workbook
Ctrl + Page UpMove to the previous sheet in the workbook
Ctrl + Space BarSelect the entire column

Ctrl + ↑ (up arrow)Move the cursor to the top edge of the current data region
Ctrl + → (right arrow)Move cursor to the right-hand edge of the current data region
Ctrl + ↓ (down arrow)Move cursor to the bottom edge of the current data region
Ctrl + ← (left arrow)Move cursor to the left-hand edge of the current data selection

Ctrl + ' (apostrophe)Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the current cell or the formula bar
Ctrl +` (grave accent key above the Tab key) Display the worksheet formulas instead of its values
Ctrl + ; (semi-colon)Enter today's date

Ctrl + Alt + ← (left arrow)Move to the left between nonadjacent selections
Ctrl + Alt + → (right arrow)Move to the right between nonadjacent slections

Ctrl + Shift + & (ampersand)Apply the outline border
Ctrl + Shift + @ (at symbol)Apply the Time formate with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ (carat)Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + ) (closing parenthesis)Unhide columns
Ctrl + Shift + : (colon)Enter the current time
Ctrl + Shift + $ (dollar sign)Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses)
Ctrl + Shift + ! (exclamation point)Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign for negative values 
Ctrl + Shift + - (hyphen)Delete the selection
Ctrl + Shift + # (number sign)Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year
Ctrl + Shift + ( (opening parenthesis)Unhide rows
Ctrl + Shift + % (percentage sign)Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign)Insert blank rows
Ctrl + Shift + " (quotation marks)Copy the value from the cell above and paste it into the current cell or into the formula bar
Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde)Apply the General number format
Ctrl + Shift + _ (underscore)Remove outline borders

Shift + F2Edit a cell Comment
Shift + F4Repeat the last Find action (same as Find Next)
Shift + F5Display the Find dialog box
Shift + F8Move to the previous pane in a worksheet that has been split
Shift + F9Calculate the active worksheet
Shift + F11Insert a new worksheet

Shift +  EnterComplete a cell entry and move up in the selection
Shift + SpacebarSelect the entire row
Shift + TabComplete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection

excel shortcut keys