Shortcut | Description |
Arrow Keys | Move one cell up, down, left or right |
Backspace | Delete the character to the left of the insertion point or delete the selection |
Delete | Delete the character to the right of the insertion point or delete the selection |
End, Arrow Key | Move by one block of data within a row or column |
End, Home | Move to the last cell on the worksheet |
Esc | Cancel a cell entry |
Home | Move to the beginning of the row |
Page Down | Move down one screen |
Page Up | Move up one screen |
Tab | Move between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet |
F1 | Display the Office Assistant |
F2 | Edit the active cell |
F3 | Paste a defined name into a formula |
F4 | Repeat the last operation, e.g. copy, insert, etc.; toggle through absolute reference formats |
F5 | Display the Go To dialog box |
F6 | Move to the next pane in a workbook that has been split |
F7 | Spell Check |
F8 | Turn on extending a selection by using the arrow keys |
F9 | Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks |
F11 | Create a chart that uses the current range |
Alt + Enter | Start a new line in the same cell |
Alt + Page Down | Move one screen to the right |
Alt + Page Up | Move one screen to the left |
Alt + F8 | Display the Macro dialog box |
Alt + F11 | Display the Visual Basic Editor |
Alt + ' (apostrophe) | Display the Style dialog box |
Alt + ↓ (down arrow) | Display the AutoComplete list |
Alt + = (equals sign) | Insert the AutoSum formula |
Ctrl + A | Select the entire worksheet |
Ctrl + B | Apply or remove bold formatting |
Ctrl + C | Copy the highlighted data |
Ctrl + I | Apply or remove italic formatting |
Ctrl + K | Insert a hyperlink |
Ctrl + V | Paste copied or cut data from the clipboard |
Ctrl + U | Apply or remove an underline |
Ctrl + W | Close the worksheet |
Ctrl + X | Cut the selection and copy it onto the clipboard |
Ctrl + Y | Cut the highlighted data |
Ctrl + Z | Undo the last action |
Ctrl + 0 | Hide the selected column(s) |
Ctrl + 1 | Display the Format Cells dialog box |
Ctrl + 5 | Apply or remove Strikethrough formatting |
Ctrl + 7 | Hide or unhide the Toolbar |
Ctrl + 9 | Hide the selected row(s) |
Ctrl + F3 | Define a Name |
Ctrl + Delete | Delete text to the end of the line |
Ctrl + End | Go to the lower-right corner of the worksheet |
Ctrl + Home | Go to the upper-left corner of the worksheet |
Ctrl + Page Down | Move to the next sheet in the workbook |
Ctrl + Page Up | Move to the previous sheet in the workbook |
Ctrl + Space Bar | Select the entire column |
Ctrl + ↑ (up arrow) | Move the cursor to the top edge of the current data region |
Ctrl + → (right arrow) | Move cursor to the right-hand edge of the current data region |
Ctrl + ↓ (down arrow) | Move cursor to the bottom edge of the current data region |
Ctrl + ← (left arrow) | Move cursor to the left-hand edge of the current data selection |
Ctrl + ' (apostrophe) | Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the current cell or the formula bar |
Ctrl +` (grave accent key above the Tab key) | Display the worksheet formulas instead of its values |
Ctrl + ; (semi-colon) | Enter today's date |
Ctrl + Alt + ← (left arrow) | Move to the left between nonadjacent selections |
Ctrl + Alt + → (right arrow) | Move to the right between nonadjacent slections |
Ctrl + Shift + & (ampersand) | Apply the outline border |
Ctrl + Shift + @ (at symbol) | Apply the Time formate with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M. |
Ctrl + Shift + ^ (carat) | Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places |
Ctrl + Shift + ) (closing parenthesis) | Unhide columns |
Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) | Enter the current time |
Ctrl + Shift + $ (dollar sign) | Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in parentheses) |
Ctrl + Shift + ! (exclamation point) | Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign for negative values |
Ctrl + Shift + - (hyphen) | Delete the selection |
Ctrl + Shift + # (number sign) | Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year |
Ctrl + Shift + ( (opening parenthesis) | Unhide rows |
Ctrl + Shift + % (percentage sign) | Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places |
Ctrl + Shift + + (plus sign) | Insert blank rows |
Ctrl + Shift + " (quotation marks) | Copy the value from the cell above and paste it into the current cell or into the formula bar |
Ctrl + Shift + ~ (tilde) | Apply the General number format |
Ctrl + Shift + _ (underscore) | Remove outline borders |
Shift + F2 | Edit a cell Comment |
Shift + F4 | Repeat the last Find action (same as Find Next) |
Shift + F5 | Display the Find dialog box |
Shift + F8 | Move to the previous pane in a worksheet that has been split |
Shift + F9 | Calculate the active worksheet |
Shift + F11 | Insert a new worksheet |
Shift + Enter | Complete a cell entry and move up in the selection |
Shift + Spacebar | Select the entire row |
Shift + Tab | Complete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection |
Business Paradigms, Inc.